Lifetime Radon Mitigation
Getting radon tests in Rochester is easy and affordable. If you suspect you have a radon problem, it is vital to mitigate it. The level of radon in your home should be less than four picocuries per liter. Radon levels below this level can still be dangerous. Lifetime radon mitigation rochester mn system from a company like Certified Radon Solutions can help you get rid of radon. These professionals are certified by the Minnesota Department of health and use only the best testing equipment to identify radon levels in your home.
Find Out If Your Home Is in the Danger Zone
Radon levels can vary from room to room, so it is important to choose a system that can keep radon out of your home. Most certified mitigators use both short-term and long-term radon testing devices to measure the amount of radon in a home. The average indoor radon level is 1.3 pCi/L, so if you suspect your home is over the recommended level, you’ll need to take steps to control it.
Although the EPA’s action level for radon is four pCi/L, the concentration of radon in your home may be much higher. Exposure to radon causes 23 out of every 1,000 deaths. Radon levels accumulate in a home depending on soil radon levels, pathways, and air pressure differences. The soil is the main source of radon in Minnesota, and any opening between your home and the soil can allow radon to enter your home.